@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » 美化視窗必備軟體Stardock Object Desktop suite

2009-1-18 09:26 pvpf0000
【檔案名稱】﹕Stardock Object Desktop suite

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Object Desktop includes:
two versions:

Object Desktop

Object Desktop Ultimate
WindowBlinds is a program for Windows XP or Windows Vista that changes the look and feel of the Windows GUI. It integrates seamlessly into Windows and allows users to alter the appearance of Windows safely -- it doesn't alter any system files (in memory or on disk). A user of WindowBlinds can make Windows look like another operating system or something completely original.
WindowBlinds enables users to change the actual Windows graphical user interface to whatever they want. There are literally thousands of different visual styles (skins) to choose from.
IconPackager is the industry standard way of changing all the icons on Windows in a single click. Users choose a set of icons (known as an icon package) and then hit apply and IconPackager will change them all. For users of Windows Vista, IconPackager is the only program that supports live folder icons on Windows Vista and will automatically enhance XP icons to support Windows Vista.
IconPackager makes it a snap to apply entirely new sets of icons to Windows XP or Windows Vista.
DesktopX is the grand daddy of desktop enhancement programs. It was the first program on any platform to allow users to create mini-applications on their desktops (commonly called today "widgets" or gadgets"). Long before there was a Mac Dashboard or Konfabulator or Windows Gadgets, there was DesktopX. But DesktopX is so much more than that. It can build entire desktops from scratch. Its integrated editor makes it a snap to share your creations with others users.
DeskScapes is an animated wall program for Windows Vista. It takes advantage of the new Windows Vista compositor to do animation without impacting performance. Object Desktop will come with DeskScapes 2.0 which is designed to run on all versions of Windows Vista. While currently only available for Windows Vista users, Stardock is investigating some of the recent video driver advances on Windows XP...
DeskScapes runs .DREAM files as animated wallpaper. .DREAM files can contain either video content or dynamic content.
MyColors combines the 5 preceding elements together into a symphony. A MyColors theme can dramatically alter the look and feel of Windows by changing the Windows GUI, the icons, the background, add widgets, and change the sound scheme. MyColors themes are created exclusively by Stardock to ensure a bullet proof experience. We may open it up to others down the line to create MyColors themes but for now, we want to focus on making sure that the user experience is exquisite.
For Object Desktop users, Stardock will be releasing at least 4 MyColors themes per year. The longer one keeps their access to ObjectDesktop.net, the more MyColors themes they'll accumulate.
Object Desktop Ultimate additionally includes:
SkinStudio is a program that allows users to create visual styles for Windows XP and Windows Vista. These visual styles are applied by the popular GUI skinning program, WindowBlinds. A fully complete visual style will change the title bars, borders, push buttons, scrollbars, Start bar, Start menu, and virtually every other part of the Windows GUI.
SkinStudio 6 represents a complete rewrite of previous versions of SkinStudio. The new version is designed to make it much easier for new users to get into skinning. Skinners can change as much or little of the GUI as they choose and SkinStudio will fill in the rest for them.
SoundPackager is a pretty straight forward program. It lets users change their Windows sound scheme. What's amazing is that somewhere along the line, Windows quit allowing users to load up distributed sound schemes. You are now expected to set each sound individually (a far cry from the Windows 95 days).
SoundPackager, by contrast, makes it a snap to make your own sound schemes and distribute them out. It also comes with some really high quality sound schemes.
SoundPackager makes it a snap to create and trade sound schemes. There's already a ton of sound packages available on [url=http://www.wincustomize.com/][color=#0066cc]WinCustomize.com[/color][/url]
IconDeveloper is a program that makes it very easy to create your own Windows icons. Intead of trying to include a drawing package, IconDeveloper instead allows users to just import images made by other programs and turn them quickly and easily into icons.
IconDeveloper also makes it easy to change the colors of icons, do batch conversions, and add new sizes to existing icons using a variety of scaling techniques to ensure the highest possible quality.
Microsoft has increased both the power and complexity of its popular Windows operating system with the release of Windows Vista. Stardock’s TweakVista™ enhancement application helps you configure Windows Vista to meet your personal needs by improving performance.
Unlike other power tools for Windows, TweakVista automatically prompts enhancement recommendations, offering easy “one click” updates to otherwise complex configuration changes. TweakVista is also safe to use. By utilizing Microsoft’s system-restore technology any changes you make can easily be rolled back. You can freely experiment with different settings without disabling your computer.
ObjectBar has everything you need to build your own unique Windows desktop environment. Every OS has its own way of accessing programs, tasks, and information, ObjectBar takes the best from those OSes and gives you the power to build your own.
ObjectBar also comes with a set of very high quality, easy to use interfaces that can take your Windows desktop to the next level. It is completely customizable.
LogonStudio is a program that allows users to change their Windows logon screens. It comes with several logon screens to choose from, along with thousands that are available online from Web sites, such as WinCustomize.com.
It also includes an editor for creating your own logon screen. You can build or modify logon screens by tweaking parameters on a list of elements. This allows you to customize everything from background to letterings to buttons.

[ Last edited by S° on 2009-1-18 at 12:09 PM ]

2009-1-18 17:51 krokrokrop
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2009-1-18 19:32 wu3628
Thanks !

2009-1-21 09:01 daimaru
thank you so much for sharing.

2009-1-28 16:08 guccinih

2009-2-7 14:43 hengli

2009-2-9 09:25 a0936352524

2009-2-10 23:46 matt2000

2010-2-26 13:11 ppp0418

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