@KTzone » 資源 - 其他分類 » 資源 - 遊戲綜合資源超連 » [979D] 沉默之丘5︰歸鄉 (rar@英文@PC)

2008-11-18 11:46 game127
【檔案大小】:4.64 GB
【驗   證  碼】: 979D9A016C77C59821BB0B69F2792F0CB07C998C
《沉默之丘 歸鄉》是 KONAMI 旗下驚悚遊戲代表作次世代平台最新作,
玩家將扮演歸國青年軍人艾力克斯&薛普(Alex Shepherd),為了探尋弟弟約書亞(Joshua)的下落,


◆ CPU:Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista)
◆ RAM:1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista
◆ HDD:10 GB Free
◆ VGA:DirectX 9.0c compatible Video Card such as ATI Radeon HD-series graphics card (minimum 256 MB) or
     NVIDIA GeForce 7800-series graphics card (minimum 256 MB)
◆Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers



[ Last edited by game127 on 2008-11-18 at 12:13 PM ]

2008-11-18 23:19 s9209122222
根本就不能玩啊= =

2008-11-19 00:10 jyubee

2008-11-19 14:40 hpshtpedu
明明就能玩阿, 感謝分享:teeth_smiley:

2008-11-19 16:40 TERU710917

2008-11-19 17:17 loveyachi

2008-11-19 19:06 lovegirl11

2008-11-21 12:01 lovegirl11

2008-11-21 19:50 jameskangal
可以玩.只要放在c drive就可以玩.但文字唔是英文的.只是對白是英文.點可以轉返文字是英文??

2008-11-29 17:18 882003

2008-12-8 06:37 mmmmgee
[size=3]There are no problems with this game!!!
The reason you guy getting problems with the game

such as [color=Red]missing files[/color]

1) You need better vesion of [color=Red]DIRECTX[/color] (go microsoft download [color=Red]directx10 [/color]
Still getting error, go buy another PC =.=

some [color=red]foreign language[/color]other than english on the game start menu

2) You should have find a zip file named "Eng.zip" within the folder after you unzip the game. (there is a folder name call "strings", go to the game folder open

engine > gameinfo > strings

replace the "strings" folder from Eng.zip into the orginal folder on the game file, then the foeign language problem will be solved.

3) It may take a min loading into the game for the first time (Those who has suck grapic card / Ram =_=..(like me, I spend 2 mins to load into the game with my laptop)

Good luck for you all
Thank you for the game sharing, Support~ lovz this game! [/size]

[ Last edited by mmmmgee on 2008-12-8 at 06:38 AM ]

2008-12-8 07:03 mmmmgee
Guys should have fully testify the game is not running before blaming someone who spend their time to share game with you.  樓主我支持你~

2008-12-16 15:02 hklong36
不敢一個人玩 但還是感謝

2009-9-30 21:19 a45678989

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