@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦用品 » 數碼 - 電腦軟件及系統問題 » Outlook express cannot get and send emails

2008-11-13 18:51 adampoon
The Outlook Express cannot send and get email this afternoon with error as attached sketch on this afternoon in office.
Computer can get on line. I had tried to open new account but still the same.
I had also double checked the income and outcome serve typing are correct.
I had called ISP and they said nothing wrong about the email account as they checked. They doubt is the computer.
Anyone can help and advise suggestion? I don't want to format the computer because it will take a long time to install all drivers and softwares back to it.
Please help.

Any method can uninstall Outlook Express only and reinstall it?


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