2008-5-2 17:33 cyshum1
Dose any one know how to put game in Samsung G808

this is the site [url]http://www.ringhk.com/index_phone_spec.php?id=1313[/url]

[ Last edited by cyshum1 on 2008-8-19 at 05:21 AM ]

2008-6-21 01:36 jochee0001
dont know

2008-6-21 01:38 jochee0001
so sorry

2008-6-21 01:39 jochee0001

2008-6-21 01:39 jochee0001
Use BT

2008-7-18 18:39 goodMANmax

2008-7-19 22:33 goodMANmax
i  dont  know  the  picture  of  this   moble

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