@KTzone » ¤é±` - ·s»D®É¨Æ » «X¤g´N±Ô§Q¨È§½¶Õ¹F¨óij CNN:¬ü°ê¦¨³Ì¤j¿é³Ã

2019-10-23 21:49 ¦v~¦³¦ó¤£¥i
«X¤g´N±Ô§Q¨È§½¶Õ¹F¨óij CNN:¬ü°ê¦¨³Ì¤j¿é³Ã

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[img]//n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/128/w550h378/20191023/c4e1-ihmipqv8309971.jpg" alt=" ¡¶Putin and Erdogan just did a deal on Syria¡C The US is the biggest loser¡C ¡]Via CNN¡^[/img] ¡¶Putin and Erdogan just did a deal on Syria¡C The US is the biggest loser¡C ¡]Via CNN¡^
¡@¡@The two leaders unveiled a 10-point memorandum of understanding with an unstated bottom line¡G The Americans do not have a place in shaping the future of Syria¡C
¡@¡@¡¶Putin and Erdogan just did a deal on Syria¡C The US is the biggest loser¡C ¡]Via CNN¡^
¡@¡@The deal also implies that the Kurds have a new guarantor¡C After President Donald Trump effectively abandoned the Kurds¡A by ordering the sudden withdrawal of US forces from Syria and leaving the YPG exposed to a Turkish advance¡A that role now falls to the Russians¡C
¡@¡@Now Moscow will have to deploy more troops and equipment to Syria as part of an expanded mission¡C But the question remains open¡G With so few Russian forces on the ground¡A Syrian Kurds may have little alternative but to allow Syria¡¥s Russian-backed military into Kurdish-held areas¡C
¡@¡@¡¶Putin and Erdogan just did a deal on Syria¡C The US is the biggest loser¡C ¡]Via CNN¡^
¡@¡@The biggest geopolitical loser in this deal is Washington¡C The rapid exit of US forces that left the Kurds exposed was a gift to Putin¡G Russian journalists roaming newly abandoned US military bases played the moment for all it was worth¡A casting it a hasty helicopters-on-the-roof moment for American power¡C
¡@¡@Tuesday¡¥s deal added to the humiliation¡C It was Sergei Shoigu¡A the Russian defense minister¡A who effectively declared that it was time for the Americans to leave Syria¡C
¡@¡@¡¶Putin and Erdogan just did a deal on Syria¡C The US is the biggest loser¡C ¡]Via CNN¡^
¡@¡@¾Ú³ø¹D¡A 10¤ë6¤é¡A¬ü°ê¥Õ®c«Å§G±q±Ô§Q¨ÈºM­x¡A¨Ãªí¥Ü¬ü°ê¹ï¤g¦Õ¨ä§Y±N¶i¤J±Ô¥_³¡®i¶}ªº­x¨Æ¦æ°Ê¡§¤£¤ä«ù¡B¤£°Ñ»P¡¨¡A¬ü­x·|ºM¥X¬ÛÃö°Ï°ì¡C
¡@¡@@OICUMF¡GCNN has zero credibility and hates America
¡@¡@@SpiritW83892869¡GAn unstated bottom line that CNN made up and stated¡C
¡@¡@@TerryTlcain¡GCertainly lost a lot of respect in the Middle East¡C
¡@¡@@m_awahab¡GOnly Syrians have the right to shape the future of their own country
¡@¡@@sagefactor¡GThe 10 point memorandum includes a ¡§thank you¡¨ note to President Trump¡C
¡@¡@³Æ§Ñ¿ýªº10±ø¤º®e¤¤ÁÙ¥]¬A¼gµ¹¤t´¶Á`²Îªº ¡§·PÁ«H¡¨¡C
¡@¡@@Allpurpose101¡GTrump has sold out America¡A Putin owns Trump¡C¡C¡CWAKE UP PEOPLE¡C¡C¡CTrump has to be removed from office¡C
¡@¡@@DougClark03¡Gthe US is becoming the gum on the bottom of the shoe¡C
¡@¡@@WrightNettalynn¡GGood¡I¡I America needs to take care of America and stay out of everyone else¡¥s business¡I¡I

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