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2017-8-4 23:45 peisingk
a broken longsword

Sansa had to step carefully; there were pellets everywhere.  Within, the tower seemed even smaller. An open stone stair wound round the inside wall, from undercroft to roof. Each floor was but a single room. The servants lived and slept in the kitchen at ground level, sharing the space with a huge brindled mastiff and a half-dozen sheepdogs. Above that was a modest hall, and higher still the bedchamber. There were no windows, but arrowslits were embedded in the outer wall at intervals along the curve of the stair. Above the hearth hung  and a battered oaken shield, its paint cracked and flaking.  The device painted on the shield was one Sansa did not know; a grey stone head with fiery eyes, upon a light green field. “My grandfather’s shield,” Petyr explained when he saw her gazing at it. “His own father was born in Braavos and came to the Vale as a sellsword in the hire of Lord Corbray, so my grandfather took the head of the Titan as his sigil when he was knighted.”  “It’s very fierce,” said Sansa.  “Rather too fierce, for an amiable fellow like me,” said Petyr [url=http://anliy.seesaa.net/article/452411813.html][color=#333333]with her, [/color][/url][url=http://jamely.shiga-saku.net/e1360199.html][color=#333333]he would [/color][/url][url=http://shinshu.fm/MHz/27.49/archives/0000536316.html][color=#333333]sanction [/color][/url]
[url=http://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/unliyy/2017/08/dsfsdopoip/][color=#333333]everything[/color][/url][url=http://weshare.hk/aalling/articles/4613653][color=#333333] at once[/color][/url][url=http://realblog.zkiz.com/lovebyuyu/255844][color=#333333]he answered.[/color][/url]

. “I much prefer my mockingbird.”  Oswell made two more trips out to the Merling King to offload provisions. Among the loads he brought ashore were several casks of wine. Petyr poured Sansa a cup, as promised. “Here, my lady, that should help your tummy, I would hope.”  Having solid ground beneath her feet had helped already, but Sansa dutifully lifted the goblet with both hands and took a sip.

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