@KTzone » 消閒 - 不解之謎 » 神秘深海「魔鬼頭怪魚」現蹤,8百萬人次瀏覽一窺廬山真面目!

2014-12-5 23:11 Vivi_CC


根據美國《每日新聞》報導,加州蒙特雷灣水族館(Monterey Bay Aquarium)的研究人員,日前在加州外海的水下600公尺左右,拍攝到傳說中的「深海怪魚」—— 黑角鮟鱇魚(Melanocetus)。

黑角鮟鱇魚是極其罕見的海洋生物,個性古怪難以捉摸,由於棲息在深海,非常不容易觀察到。牠們的長相駭人,有著巨大的下巴和恐怖的利齒與獠牙,這些特徵使牠擁有「Black Seadevil」的外號,意思是黑色深海魔鬼。聽起來很可怕,那麼體型應該也很大吧?其實不然,牠的身長只有9公分,如此的反差讓人大感意外。



Deep-sea anglerfish are strange and elusive creatures that are very rarely observed in their natural habitat. Fewer than half a dozen have ever been captured on film or video by deep diving research vehicles. This little angler, about 9 cm long, is named Melanocetus. It is also known as the Black Seadevil and it lives in the deep dark waters of the Monterey Canyon. MBARI's ROV Doc Ricketts observed this anglerfish for the first time at 600 m on a midwater research expedition in November 2014. We believe that this is the first video footage ever made of this species alive and at depth.

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