2013-6-28 19:23
The Coming Of Angie (1972)
嚜燜he Coming Of Angie (1972)
A truant officer gets a blowjob and an employment agent gets laid, both compliments of the title character in The Coming of Angie. For Angie, we are repeatedly told, �禃eally knows what she�䏭 doing.�� The Deviate was dubious.
When Angie auditions for a pimp in a threesome, an anorexic Asian harpy shows up and things really get ugly. The actors here find it very hard to keep a straight face, and can be seen regularly cracking up. Just before the final orgy, they all sit around for a good half minute, saying and doing nothing, until someone off-camera yells instructions and they suddenly remember they�胩e supposed to be fucking.
Though the Deviate is still dubious as to Angle�䏭 knowing what she�䏭 doing, he rather enjoyed watching her do it.
Joyce Jaw
Much Mary
Suzy Sucker
Long Peter
Tricky Dick[/url]