@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 勁樂團 Tap Tap Revenge 4 v4.1.3[轉載]

2011-9-19 13:39 bunnylai
勁樂團 Tap Tap Revenge 4 v4.1.3[轉載]

勁樂團 Tap Tap Revenge 4  v4.1.3 7 O0 n4 _2 r; P0 j9 n
授權形式: 免費版3 H. V: h, ?  @6 Y3 ~- x3 z( U0 B$ Z
軟體語言: 英文 * n! E& X- e5 x" W/ Z& C
軟體平臺: Android2.2
文件大小: 10.98 MB# o# k/ ^) z% U9 l8 ?8 `3 @
Tap Tap Revenge 4(勁樂團)是iOS上的熱門遊戲,相信喜歡音樂遊戲的朋友對這款遊戲並不算是陌生。在新的版本中,這款遊戲主要針對以下解析度做了優化:800X480,854×480和960×540。
; i+ L/ P# ^. e) O9 O
- 修正無法載入歌曲以及在選好歌之後強制關閉的問題。
8 a7 v6 K, c( H+ t8 L# @, ~( E( E5 \
在Android版的Tap Tap Revenge 4音樂遊戲中,你將能夠享受到100位你最喜愛的音樂家的曲目。
遊戲特色:3 r7 Y# A2 ?. e: a) u; V* j
! m6 i2 `$ t) w4 m0 s6 N2 S
- 與世界各地的Tap Tap Revenge玩家進行聊天;
- 全球積分排行榜;
- 與其它玩家進行線上對戰;% F2 }2 g+ t# V& a’ }7 I9 v
- 自訂你的頭像;
- 每週都有新的音樂和比賽;
2 K* N; X3 Y2 C& }" v, D+ {
Tap and shake to the music of 100′s of your favorite artists!" P  ~" {9 {4 Z$ c! q
Get your favorite artists like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Bruno Mars, B.o.B – PLUS free tracks from Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance and Benny Benassi!
Features include:% C’ J( N6 q’ q
- Chat with TTR players around the world
- Global leaderboards with up-to-the-minute scores
- Battle other players online1 V- e3 L0 F- x/ s% l- V
- Customize your avatar
- Weekly contests and new music
- Play any track in Arcade Mode% P) N8 j- H2 N2 x  a" y
- Like tracks in the game, then battle other players who like the same tracks6 g8 o$ b3 g, x/ h* p& R7 u# C9 u
Tap Tap Revenge 4 is easy to learn, but takes a lifetime to master! Tap the targets on your touchscreen to the beat of the music, scoring points for accuracy and timing. Add in multiple diffculty levels, hundreds of songs, live online battlegrounds, and you’ll never have the same experience twice! Download it NOW.
Got questions? Go to tapulous.com/support for answers!* Q, n5 f9 i8 b  [
Tap Tap Revenge 4 is optimized for the following screen resolutions: 800×480, 854×480 & 960×5409 j/ C" }$ J7 n! Z: o3 G/ I
Terms of Use: [url=http://tapulous.com/privacy/][color=#7f9a42]http://tapulous.com/privacy/[/color][/url]
Privacy Policy: [url=http://tapulous.com/privacy/][color=#7f9a42]http://tapulous.com/privacy/[/color][/url]
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[[i] 本帖最後由 bunnylai 於 2011-9-19 13:40 編輯 [/i]]

2011-9-26 01:35 oookamooo7

2011-10-2 01:03 dragonfly528
Thanks for share!!!

Thanks for share!! Enjoy

2011-10-13 03:36 chenchiahao

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