@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » [软件分享]个人KTV,烧咪!iPhone KTV 随时唱

2011-8-13 21:19 ex3pointmaster
[软件分享]个人KTV,烧咪!iPhone KTV 随时唱

透过Burning Mic, 您可以从各大视频网站下载KTV, 并在 iPhone/iPad/iTouch 上欢唱! 您也可以透过播放器录音, 聆听个人的演唱成果!
此 app 提供免费下载的KTV拨放器,

Sing to as many Karaoke video as you want from the many video hosting sites available online (i.e. Youku, Tudou, LeTV, Sina, Sohu, etc). Can record and listen to your recordings.

下载地址: [url]http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id440993921?mt=8[/url]

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