@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » [惡搞] Screen Breaker 打破屏幕 [轉載]

2011-6-1 10:48 bunnylai
[惡搞] Screen Breaker 打破屏幕 [轉載]

Screen Breaker 是一款能讓你捉弄你的朋友的應用軟件.
(1)開啓軟件後, 把電話借給你地朋友, 告訴他們有東西讓他們看看.
(2)當你的朋友點擊電話屏幕, 軟件會書出破玻璃的圖像, 模擬屏幕破了的樣子.
[url=/thread461884.html#post1715250][color=#0000ff][惡搞] Screen Breaker 打破屏幕[/color][/url] 2c0c6ba7
(3)責備你的朋友說他們弄破了你的電話! 客死他們吧!

Screen Breaker is an app which let you make fun with your friends.

To Use: Start this app and lend your phone to them. Let them click on it, the app will draw broken glasses on the screen. Blame them on breaking your screen and make them startle!


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來源 :qkshare

2011-7-3 16:32 uyatsing

2011-7-13 23:06 214503


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