@KTzone » 计絏 - Android侯癚阶 » 计絏 - Android Apps » Rowmote v3.4 iPhone iPad iPod Touch: Remote Control for Mac and Apple TV[锣更]

2011-5-30 08:48 bunnylai
Rowmote v3.4 iPhone iPad iPod Touch: Remote Control for Mac and Apple TV[锣更]

[align=center][b]Rowmote v3.4 iPhone iPad iPod Touch: Remote Control for Mac and Apple TV | 8 MB[/b][/align]

Rowmote brings the simplicity and power of the Apple hardware remote, with perfect control of dozens of applications, to your iPhone or iPod Touch! Please read more below :) You love the remote control which came with your Mac - so simple yet elegant, with easy control of Front Row, iTunes, Quicktime, DVD Player, Keynote, and more. Or, your Mac didnˇt come with a remote control or doesnˇt even have an infrared port. Buying a remote control, from Apple or a third party, would carry a significant cost! You carry your iPhone or iPod Touch wherever you go... so why should you carry a second device just to control your computer? Furthermore, why should you need line-of-sight to do so?

Enter Rowmote! Rowmote is like your Mac or Apple TVˇs remote control, but over the wireless network and even better! By tapping the Apps button, you get bonus abilities, switching between controlled programs, toggling the iTunes Visualizer, and more. Rowmote will even wake sleeping Macs.

[align=center][b]SCREENS :[/b]




[b]MORE INFO :[/b]


[url=http://www.filesonic.hk/file/1083840031/Rowmote.v3.4.iPad.iPhone.iPod.Touch-Lz0PDA.7z]**** Hidden Message *****[/url]

ㄓ方 :dl4all

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