@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » [Approid.HK]祖瑪的複仇! zuma's revenge! v2.0+ 1.08

2011-4-4 09:55 bunnylai
[Approid.HK]祖瑪的複仇! zuma's revenge! v2.0+ 1.08

【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
Enter an all-new world of Zuma where evil tiki bosses rule the land. Tame the jungle by firing stone spheres to make matches and destroy the deadly stream of balls. Then take on tiki boss battles and guide your agile amphibian to victory!
The object was an elaboration on the classic match-three puzzler. You control a frog that resides in the middle of the screen as a train of multi-colored orbs chugs along around you. If the orbs reach their destination, you lose, so you must stop that from happening. You do so by shooting orbs out of your mouth and making matches in the chain. Keep making matches until they're all gone and you beat the level.

1.1 Fix the Level 50 can not pass problem.
1.2 Fix some device running slow
1.3 Fix some device can not save problem.
2.0 Fix save bug, all level can save!

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】



【APK下載連結 Download】

Zuma 's Revenge v1.0.8 畫質較好
Zuma 's Revenge v2.0 側重性能


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