@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » [Approid.HK]辦公室高爾夫Cubicle Golf v4.0

2011-4-2 11:05 bunnylai
[Approid.HK]辦公室高爾夫Cubicle Golf v4.0

【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
Play Golf at work with Cubicle Golf for your Android Phone
Work stinks. Make it stink less with a round of CUBICLE GOLF!
OS Android 2.2 or higher
In CUBICLE GOLF you can build team unity by playing the always challenging Office Links. Push them towards the pins, using each coworker's strengths -the driver, the iron, the putter, and the "Secret Weapon." Avoid Mr. Hazard, the boss, as you navigate the course and work on that handicap!
Play through 18 holes, improve your score, and blow off some steam...the boss isn't looking!
• Full 18 hole course
• Challenging holes that will test your timing and aim
• Quick, easy-to-learn game play
• Fun commentary as you play
• Score tracking, including best scores on each hole
• Three club types- plus an unlockable bonus club
• Two control options to suit your play style

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.2及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】


【APK下載連結 Download】
[url=http://hotfile.com/dl/112931591/367d0bd/Cubicle_Golf_v4.0.exe.html][color=#0000ff]http://hotfile.com/dl/112931591/ ... _Golf_v4.0.exe.html[/color][/url]

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