@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » KillingZone Defens !! (玩法與植物大戰喪屍相似,但今次用現代化武器)!

2011-4-2 10:43 bunnylai
KillingZone Defens !! (玩法與植物大戰喪屍相似,但今次用現代化武器)!


Get Ready for a Non-Stop Action Survival Defense game, KillingZone Defense!

“KillingZone Defense” is a fun animated Non-Stop Action Survival Defense game with the elements of role-playing, strategy and time management game, all in one! Use the special abilities and weapons of each character to strengthen the overall defense level. John and the survivors must fight for their lives and protect their villages. You will enjoy hours of game play and fast paced action! You can select the weapons and special skills by touch control!

★Game Story★

John was startled awake by the screams of others. Somehow, he knew things would never be the same. He quickly learned that his house, street and entire village were overtaken by a mob of monsters. That’s when he knew he had entered into the Killing Zone!! John and Shelly start to team up with a few other survivors to fight together and defend what is remaining of their town.


-Control 5 different characters (John, Shelly, Susan, Rachel and Peter)
-Each character has 7-shared shooting weapons and 2-specialized skills
-Simple selecting and reloading weapons with touch control
-Story Mode with 9 unique maps and 45 different stages
-Many different types of zombies to defend against
-Retina display graphics
-OpenFeint to share your high scores and achievements

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