@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 摩托奶奶Turbo Grannies v1.0.0

2011-3-21 21:20 bunnylai
摩托奶奶Turbo Grannies v1.0.0


【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
遊戲玩法類似極限摩托車 MX Moto 和 Moto X Mayhem

The nursing home is awfully boring!
Turbo Granny may be as old as the hills, but she can’t stand spending every day indoors at the slow nursing home. It’s deadening & Turbo Granny is bored to death! She misses all the action and excitement that she used to experience - a long time ago…
… and that is why she one day has had it; Turbo Granny takes her permobile and gets the h*** out the nursing home!
Turbo Granny is out of the slow home, now what? Where to go? She - thank God - has a decision to make (by herself…), what direction to take?
Little rusty there, Turbo Granny? If so, she could take the easiest way, the Mountain track. At the Mountain track there will be some off-road driving with quite a few nasty jumps on the way. In order to complete the track she ’d better have a rally vehicle…
Eager to go, Turbo Granny? Then she should take the Suburbia track, it’s the best route for her to take - on her speedy vehicle…
Up for a challenge, Turbo Granny? If it is a truly courageous Granny she should however opt for the Desert track. The Desert track is a rea​​lly difficult cross track, in fact it is so difficult that if completed it is very doubtful that the nursing home staff will catch up with her - ever…
Let’s free Turbo Granny!
To make the most of this game you use your phones advanced features, such as touchscreen and gyroscope. To help Turbo Granny; lean back and forward on your cool permobile as you climb the hills and fly through the air using accele rom eter technology.

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】




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