@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 桌球力量Power Snooker v1.4

2011-3-19 10:15 bunnylai
桌球力量Power Snooker v1.4


何為“強力斯諾克”? 與傳統斯諾克相比它的規則變化很大,節奏非常快,非常適合年輕人。 它的特別規則如下:
紅球變為9個,擺成菱形。 擺放位置不變。 中央紅球叫做強力球(PowerBall)。 開球後無論是否有進球都獲得繼續擊打的機會。
強力球被打進後,觸發兩分鐘的強力 時間 (PowerPlay),在這個時間段內每個打下的球得分為其原來兩倍。 如果一方停止進球,強力時間不停頓,可以為另一方所用。
每桿限時20秒。 如果超時則被罰20分。  
只計算得分,不計算局數勝負。 得分多者勝利。
低分值線後面的區域為強力區(PowerZone)。 如果主球在強力區內時打進了其他球,得分為兩倍。 如果同時還是強力時間,得分四倍。
單桿破百獎勵50分。 下一局再出現的話獎勵100分。 下下局是100分。
強力時間內失誤的話罰分也是兩倍。 如果在強力區內失誤還碰上強力時間的話,四倍。


Power Snooker is being hailed as Snookers answer to Twenty 20 cricket.
Already being hailed as snooker's answer to Twenty20 cricket, Power Snooker is the brand new innovative game which is set to revolutionise ​​the world of snooker,bringing a fresh, exciting new concept and a whole new audience to
the sport.
In Power Snooker points count, frames don't - the player scoring the most points in a 30 minute match wins.
Only 9 red balls on the table the centre ball being the Power Ball, sink this and for 2 minutes points count double, the PowerPlay.
A PowerZone, also delivers double points for any shot played f rom behind the baulk line giving the opportunity for quadruple points when combined with a PowerPlay.
A shot timer of 20 seconds limits the player's time to take a shot, run past this and face a 20 point penalty, forcing very fast play and at times costly mistakes.
The Android game faithfully features all of the rules of Power Snooker and is built from Big Head Games highly rated International Snooker engine guaranteeing a rea​​listic, dynamic and entertaining game. Additionally featuring world wide high scores and achievements using the OpenFeint
The game play and rules as depicted in this game are the Property of Power Snooker limited.
c Power Snooker 2010 any unauthorised use is expressly forbidden and an infringement of copyright

Android 1.6及以上






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