@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » iPhone短信字符表情大全TextPics 移轉到android系統

2011-3-7 11:19 bunnylai
iPhone短信字符表情大全TextPics 移轉到android系統

【軟件語言】英文 繁體 簡體
[url=/thread427924.html#post1663277][color=#0000ff][軟體] iPhone短信字符表情大全TextPics 移轉到android系統[/color][/url] 2c0c6ba7

The similar applications reached top 10 in Appstore worldwide . Now it is coming to Android OS! You can use this application to send some interesting messages to your friends. It includes a large number of text pics to meet your needs. Incidentally, it is also a tool to strike up a person[img=16,16]images/smilies/wink.gif[/img]



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