@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » WM 介面 Android Style 風格 (WVGA)

2011-2-27 15:55 bunnylai
WM 介面 Android Style 風格 (WVGA)

GA-M10 算是 一支稱職的 手機+導航機,但是看到 Android 系統盛行,不禁讓我提起換機的念頭~
[url=/thread418705.html#post1648252][color=#0000ff][軟體] WM 介面 Android Style 風格 (WVGA) 沒有預算的情形下,打造 Android Style 風格 的 WM 介面[/color][/url] 2c0c6ba7

在還沒有預算的情形下,先手動打造 Android Style 風格 的 WM 介面吧~~


* Use the Layouts Backup Utility to save your Layouts if you want so you can Restore them after upgrading.
* If you have Version 2.1 then you can simply uninstall it and then install the new one.
* Make sure your Phones Resolution is the same as the version you are installing.


22th February (QVGA, WQVGA) FINAL[/b]
* Added GingerBread status widget
* Fixed Optimus weather widget
* Fixed minor bugs

[b]8th February (QVGA, WQVGA) BETA[/b]
* Added all previous updates for [W]VGA resolution including the NEW Background Manager (see 13th December changelog)
* Added full Landscape menubar (with custom button overlay) for people who use to wish that orientation
* Added new GingerBread MenuBar 9
* Added new Optimus weather widget and Optimus clock (place the clock ontop in the digits box)
* Changed the year on the typoclock date widgets to 2011
* Added NEW injection tool to inject modified bmp or xml files into a .dat file (advanced users only)
* Added Exit Mobile Shell option in the Extras menu if you wish to switch it off to get more memory for your phone
* Bug fixes and other stuff

[b]13th December (VGA, WVGA)[/b]
* Added [color=red]*NEW*[/color] Background Manager which you can use to create your own fundotela files AND put Custom Backgrounds on ANY SPB Screen
* Redid all the Status switches (Wifi, Bluetooth, Flight Mode, Phone Switch, Phone Profile, Backlight and Battery) so they can be placed in any order upto 6 widgets on a line
* Updated the Notes Widget so it asks if you want to write a Note before erasing the old one (avoids accidental clicking)
* Added a few of the HTC widgets from my ProPlus Freedom Widgets (Black and White HTC clocks, Weather info, Medium Weather, etc.)
* Moved some of the utilities to the 'Extra Tools' Section in the DroidProPlus Manager
* Added a Sense style background to Note Widget 4 to give it a better look
* Optimised some of the files to reduce install size
* Some other things I cant remember..

[b]6th December (VGA, WVGA)[/b]
* Vertical lines on the MenuBars - FIXED
* Date widget (typoclock) white had white year but black date month and day - FIXED
* 3D SMS and Email viewers had no menubar - FIXED
* MenuBar2 modification - Made the black circle in the middle slightly transparent to give a better look - DONE
* Status widgets didnt have a totally transparent background - FIXED
* Espresso Analogue clock, hands out of alignment and am/pm not in the right place - FIXED
* Backup/ Restore utility in the manager didnt work - FIXED
* Combo Digital Clocks, lines above the digits - FIXED
* TypoClock Digital Clocks, lines above the digits - FIXED


[b]ToDo List For Next Version[/b]
Update [W]VGA resolution to v3.0


[size=4][b]DOWNLOAD LINKS:[/b][/size]

[W]QVGA Cab and Custom Backgrounds (Filesize 10,439KB):
[b][url=http://letitbit.net/download/91809.9d69b19352ae3e92306981e48a94/DROID_PRO-v3.0--W-QVGA_20110222.zip.html][color=#810081]DOWNLOAD V3.0[/color][/url][/b] (20110222)
[url=http://depositfiles.com/files/ozbrt0gdx][b][color=#0000ff]MIRROR V3.0[/color][/b][/url] (20110222)

[W]VGA Cab (Filesize 12,733KB):
[b][url=http://bitshare.com/?f=s647bari][color=#0000ff]DOWNLOAD V2.2[/color][/url][/b] (20101213)
[b][url=http://www.4shared.com/file/r4FxfQ2A/MSKIP_DOC3000_DroidPro_V22_WVG.html][color=#0000ff]MIRROR[/color][/url][/b] (20101213)

[W]VGA Fundotela Background Files (Filesize 7,109KB):
[url=http://bitshare.com/?f=wxv6d9cj][b][color=#0000ff]DOWNLOAD[/color][/b][/url] (20101213)
[url=http://www.4shared.com/file/6hNv8mMi/Fundotela_Files_WVGA.html][b][color=#0000ff]MIRROR[/color][/b][/url] (20101213)

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