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2009-12-10 21:04 二牛
Avast! v4.8 Professional Edition + KeyGen序號產生註冊下載

avast! v4.8 professional edition + keygen序號產生註冊下載                                                                                                                                                            screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='click here to open new window\nctrl+mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" border=0 alt="" src="http://www.avast.com/eng/images/krabice-pro48.gif" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='click here to open new window\nctrl+mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}">
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avast! 4 professional edition - 專為microsoft windows而設的防毒軟體
avast! 4 professional edition 是一個集合質量與尖端科技於一體的專業防毒軟體,保護您的系統和重要數據免受電腦病毒侵害.為windows-based工作站提供一流的解決方案.本頁面展示此程式的重要功能並提供連接到相關信息.
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='click here to open new window\nctrl+mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" border=0 alt="" src="http://www.avast.com/eng/images/krabice-pro48.gif" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='click here to open new window\nctrl+mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}">
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[url=http://%77%77%77%2E%78%75%6E%36%2E%63%6F%6D/%66%69%6C%65/%39%39%66%38%38%66%30%31%31/%32%30%30%39%31%31%5F%66%69%6C%65%73%5F%53%61%72%61%68%2E%7A%69%70%2E%68%74%6D%6C]http://www.avast.com/cnt/avast-4 ... us-antispyware.html[/url]
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release description:
avast v4.8 professional
homepage:[/b] [b]http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-4-professional-antivirus-antispyware.html[/b]
anti-spyware built-in:
spyware is software installed on a computer that is designed to collectinformation about the computer user, often without their knowledge orconsent. this can result in so called identity theft, or theft ofvaluable information (e.g. bank or credit card details) or proprietarybusiness data. spyware is often developed by organized crime ringsrather than lone individuals and may be installed by a virus.
certified by west coast lab's checkmark process, avast! has fullanti-spyware capabilities built-in, to make your protection even morecomplete.
anti-rootkit built-in:
rootkits are programs that install on your computer while keepingthemselves and their activities hidden to remain invisible to the use.they represent a significant security risk on both home computers andcompany networks and are notoriously difficult to find and remove.rootkits themselves are normally installed by a virus or other type ofmalware infection and it is therefore highly recommended that computerusers have up to date antivirus/anti-spyware software installed andrunning on their computer. one such system is avast! antivirus.
based on the class-leading gmer technology, avast! can now scan yourlive system for rootkit infections; no boots disks are required. if arootkit is discovered, it is initially disabled and then if it can besafely removed without affecting the performance of the computer, it isremoved. avast! antivirus includes a virus database which can beautomatically updated to provide continuous protection against rootkits.
strong self-protection:
some viruses may attempt to switch off a computer's antivirus software.to help keep your protection working, even against the latest threatsthat may try to disable your security protection, avast! hasbest-in-class strong self-protection built in, to make sure, no matterwhat you face, avast! carries on protecting your valuable data andprograms. this is based on the multi-award winning avast! antivirustechnology and provides an extra layer of security to ensure your dataand programs are always protected.
antivirus kernel:
the latest version of avast! antivirus kernel features outstandingdetection abilities, together with high performance. you can expect100% detection of in-the-wild viruses (viruses already spreadingbetween users) and excellent detection of trojan horses.
the kernel is certified by icsa labs; it frequently takes part in thetests of virus bulletin magazine, often yielding the vb100 award.
the avast! engine also features outstanding unpacking support. it canscan inside the following archives: arj, zip, mime (+ all associatedformats), mapi (outlook pst files), dbx (outlook express archives),rar, tar, gzip, cab, bzip2, zoo, ace, arc, lha/lhx, tnef (winmail.dat),cpio, chm, rpm, iso, 7zip and sis. it also supports a number ofexecutable packers (such as pklite, diet, upx, aspack, peshield, fsg,mew etc.).
last, but not least, it can also scan for viruses hidden in alternate data streams on ntfs volumes.
simple user interface:
the simple user interface is used to start on-demand scanning, workwith the results and change various options. basic resident protectionsettings can be modified here.
the simple user interface is the main application of avast! 4 homeedition. you can start additional avast! modules from here, such as thevirus chest, updater or log viewer.
the appearance of the simple user interface is very flexible. itsupports so-called skins (changeable appearance of the application), soyou can change the interface to suit you. the main package containsthree skins, with additional skins available from our web pages.
enhanced user interface:
in addition to the simple user interface, the professional editionpresents the enhanced user interface, giving you access to all featuresand possibilities for extensive scanning control.
unlike the simple user interface, the scanning is performed byso-called "tasks". first, you define a task, including variousparameters - areas to scan, what to scan, how to scan, etc. having thetask, you can run it (possibly repeatedly). each task generates a listof results, which you can work with later.
another key feature, closely connected with tasks, is the scheduler.this feature gives you the ability to schedule the tasks running,either one-time or periodically.
additionally, it is possible to set all existing scanning options, a feature not available in the simple user interface.
resident protection:
resident protection (the real-time protection of the computer system),is one of the most important features of an antivirus program today.avast! features a powerful resident module that is able to detect avirus before it has any chance to infect your computer.
avast! professional edition contains resident protection of the computer file system and a resident module for e-mails and news.
file system protection ensures that no virus will be started on thecomputer. it offers a wide range of settings, such as the possibilityto specify that files will be scanned during copying, or scanning willinclude files with a given set of extensions only.
e-mail/news protection consists of two independent modules; first,there is a generic scanner working on the smtp/pop3/imap4/nntp protocollevel. it is capable of protecting any existing e-mail client that usesthese protocols. second, there is a special plugin for ms outlook only;with mail scanning completely transparent, requiring no specialsettings.
a new feature of version 4 is heuristic analysis of e-mail scanners.this feature can protect against new, unknown viruses and worms thatare not possible to detect by the usual means. the heuristic moduleperforms a thorough investigation of every e-mail message and watchesfor suspicious signs that might announce virus presence. when thenumber of those signs exceeds the user-defined level, the message isconsidered dangerous and the user is warned.
script blocker:
the resident protection of the professional edition includes anadditional module, not contained in the home edition, called scriptblocker. this module watches all scripts being executed in theoperating system (so-called wsh scripts - windows scripting host), andscans all the scripts run as a part of a web page within your webbrowser (internet explorer, netscape navigator and mozilla).
p2p and im shields:
avast features a module for the protection of im (instant messaging,"chat") programs, and a module for the protection of p2p (peer-to-peer)programs. the list of supported im and p2p programs is extensive, withmore than 30 programs currently supported.
while chat itself would not pose any serious security risks in terms ofviruses, today's im applications are far from being just chattingtools: most support more or less sophisticated file sharing methods -which may quite easily lead to virus infections, if not properlymonitored.
the p2p protection module doesn't need much explanation - today's p2pnetworks (such as kazaa) contain potentially thousands of infectedfiles, and effective protection is essential.
web shield:
web shield is a unique feature of avast! that enables it to monitor andfilter all http traffic coming from web sites on the internet. since anincreasing number of viruses (and other malware, such as adware,spyware and dialers) are being distributed via the world wide web, theneed for effective countermeasures has also increased. web shield actsas a transparent http proxy and is compatible with all major webbrowsers, including microsoft internet explorer, firefox, mozilla andopera.
unlike most competitive solutions, web shield's impact on browsingspeed is almost negligible. this is because of a unique feature called"intelligent stream scan" that lets the web shield module scan objectson-the-fly, without the need of caching. stream scanning is performedin operating memory only (without the necessity to flush the contentsto disk), providing maximum possible throughput.
automatic updates:
automatic updates are another key need in virus protection. both thevirus database and the program itself can be updated automatically. theupdates are incremental, with only new or missing data downloaded: thusreducing the transfer heavily. the typical size of a virus databaseupdates are tens of kb; program updates typically are in the hundredsof kb range.
if your internet connection is persistent (such as an always-onbroadband connection), then updates are performed completelyautomatically at fixed time intervals. if you connect to the internetonly occasionally, avast! watches your connection and tries to performthe update when you are online.
push updates:
a special feature of the professional edition is push updates. it is adramatic change in the philosophy of updates. usually, every installedprogram checks occasionally for new version availability. push updates,however, are initialized by our server; they result in your computerquickly responding and performing the necessary update. the system isbased on the smtp protocol (as used for e-mail messages). the updateitself is controlled by the avast! resident e-mail providers (msoutlook and internet mail).
the whole system is protected by asymmetric ciphers and is resistant to unauthorized misuse.
virus chest:
the virus chest can be thought of as a folder on your disk drive,having special properties that make it a safe, isolated place suitablefor storing certain files. you can work with the files in the chest,though with some security restrictions.
the main properties of the virus chest are complete isolation from therest of the operating system. no outside process, such as a virus, mayaccess the files inside, and the fact that the files inside the chestmay not be run (executable), there is no danger in storing virusesthere.
system integration:
avast! antivirus features outstanding integration into your system. ascan can be started directly from windows explorer, by clicking afolder or a file with your right mouse button and selecting thecorresponding choice from the menu.
a special screen-saver is also provided, that, when running, performsvirus scanning. avast! antivirus works together with your favoritescreen-saver, so you don't have to change your personal settings to useit.
a new option in this release is the boot-time scan (windowsnt/2000/xp/vista 32bit only). this important feature allows a user toinstigate scanning before a virus is activated, in the case that avirus is suspected to be active on your computer already.
command-line scanner:
for experienced users, the professional edition features a command-linescanner. scanning can be controlled by many arguments and switches; touse as a pipe filter; and a special stdin/stdout mode is available.
the module is intended to be used in batch programs. its output is thesame as the output from the enhanced user interface tasks (includingthe report files).
integrated avast! virus cleaner:
since version 4.1, avast! includes virus cleaner, a tool designed forthe complete removal of most common infections from already-infectedcomputers. so now avast! is capable of reliably healing, and not justdetecting, the most common malware.
the number of viruses/worms supported by the virus cleaner isconstantly growing. for the most up-to-date information we suggestvisiting virus cleaner's own page. note: for emergency purposes, wealso offer virus cleaner as a standalone product, capable of runningwithout installing avast!.
support for 64-bit windows:
avast! home/professional now fully supports the 64-bit windowsplatform. alwil software is anticipating massive growth of thisplatform, as windows xp 64-bit edition will support up to 32 gb of ramand 16 tb of virtual memory, enabling applications to run faster whenworking with large data sets. applications can preload substantiallymore data into virtual memory, allowing rapid access by the 64-bitextensions of the processor. this reduces the time for loading datainto virtual memory or seeking, reading, and writing to data storagedevices, making applications run faster and more efficiently.
regular (32-bit) antivirus applications are unable to operate correctlyon the 64-bit windows platform, because they rely on 32-bit kernel-modedrivers. the latest version of avast! uses native 64-bit drivers,delivering the same level of protection as the 32-bit windowsenvironments. the installation package is the same for 32-bit and64-bit versions - the setup program automatically detects the operatingsystem it is running on and installs all necessary files. you may findmore information on avast! antivirus and windows x64 edition page.
commitment to internationalization is one of the key benefits ofavast!. during the last 2 years, avast! has been translated to a numberof languages, currently the list of supported languages is: english,arabic, bulgarian, catalan, chinese (both simplified and traditional),czech, danish, dutch, finnish, french, german, greek, hungarian,italian, japanese, korean, malay, norwegian, polish, portuguese (bothbrazilian and portugal), romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovenian,spanish, swedish, turkish.
network shield:
a new resident protection module was added to avast! 4.5: the networkshield. this module provides protection against known internetworms/attacks. it analyzes all network traffic and scans for maliciouscontent. it can be viewed as a lightweight firewall (or, moreprecisely, an ids (intrusion detection system)).
the network shield is only available on nt-based systems (windows nt/2000/xp/vista).
[b]tested and working...
scanned (with kaspersky) and 100% clean.[/b]
install the .net framework so that keygen. will work....[/b]

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