@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員交友 » 27歲, 做救護員..

2009-4-12 14:08 N_ick
大家好。I'm Nick
nice to u all ......

27歲, 做救護員..想識結婚對象....
我172高, 唔煙唔浦唔睹.......平時放假鐘意做research 。。睇書

有意請留言or pm^^


[ Last edited by N_ick on 2009-4-12 at 03:00 PM ]

2009-4-12 14:32 ksyks
[email][email protected][/email]

2009-4-12 14:45 N_ick

2009-4-13 18:27 重愛
[email][email protected][/email]

2009-4-20 16:30 kamanguitar
do u have photo?
can u send to me by email?my email is [email][email protected][/email]

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